#DatingInAmman Hashtag

I rarely find a trending topic on twitter that is actually about Amman or Jordan and that is not related to politics or current events in Jordan in general.

Such topics (usually spread by a Hashtag) show the fun side of the people on twitter and the way they think and look at certain things.

On the 4th of November 2011, the #DatingInAmman Hashtag was trending and even though it didn't spread well enough to be well known, it it really caught the eyes of few influential tweeps.

Here are the top tweets of the Hashtag:

  •  @mays_mays you know you are #DatingInAmmanwhen you can't hear her sneeze! Tsu!
  • @ArabObserver: You know you are #DatingInAmman when she tells you she has a 3arees waiting after your 1st date with her!”
  • @Zeidinio You know you're #DatingInAmman when the girl stares at your wallet when you pay the bill trying to know how much money you carry around!
  • @Zeidinio You know you're #DatingInAmman when the girl's favorite topics are Rotana,Sayadati,and anti dandruff shampoo
  • @OulaFarawati You know you're #DatingInAmman when the first question you are asked "gadeish ratbak"! جديش راتبك #JO
  • @raghda  U know you're #DatingInAmman when u worry your date's father has a terrible name - knowing you'll have to name your firstborn son after him
  • @raghda You know you're #DatinginAmman when you're 35 & have to meet your date in secret after sneaking out of your parents' house. Both genders
  • @ThorayaER You know you're #DatingInAmman when you know more about the guy's previous relationships than he does.
  • @ThorayaER   You know you're #DatingInAmman when a guy's mom calls him five times during a romantic dinner. And he answers. Every time.
  • @AishehJ: Girls u know u r #DatingInAmman when ur date is the one who would kill his sister if she's #DatingInAmman :p

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